Sunday, September 5, 2010

Jesse turned 30!

My brother, Jesse, turned 30 years old on August 6th. My mom and step dad threw a surprise birthday party for him a few weeks later at a small cafe in St. Louis, called the Maya Cafe.

Before I tell you about the party, you need to know a little background about Jesse. First of all, he was born with Cerebral Paulsey. He has a hard time speaking well, his motor skills were affected and his mentality is probably at about an 8 year old level. He still enjoys life to the fullest. Jesse LOVES music. My step dad, Vince, is in a bluegrass band and Jesse thoroughly enjoys his music. When Jesse gets off work for the day (he works at St. Johns Hospital) he will probably play his guitar, listen to a band on the computer (most likely Johnny Cash), or watch the Cardinals play on T.V. so he can cheer on Albert Pujols. Those are what bring him the most joy in life. Occasionally, Vince will let Jesse practice with his band during the week or even play with them at a show (he doesn't mind that his guitar isn't plugged in). He doesn't know how to play the guitar, but he still loves to strum hard and sing loud.

So back to his party....
Josh and Chrissy (brother and sister-in-law) were moving to Austin, TX a few days later, so they came in town for one last time before moving. So with all the parties it brought the altogether again:)
Vince gathered a bunch of his friends for Jesse's surprise party and they formed a "torture chamber." Basically everyone plays an instrument that is not their main instrument. It was pretty bad, but extremely entertaining. All Jesse knew he was doing that night was playing music with Vince's band. He wore his best outfit: his khakis, tennis shoes, a button-up shirt with Cadillacs and guitars all over it, and his new favorite hat my mom bought him to play music in. He wouldn't wear his hat until he played music.

that's Jesse to the left.
Scott and I drove him to the cafe. There were large curtains we had to open before entering the room of all of Jesse's friends and family. I was a little nervous he was going to be really startled and not really know it was for him, considering his birthday was a few weeks before. I opened the curtain and everyone yelled, "Surprise!" Jesse, with a small, confusing smirk on his face just stood there and scanned the room of all of his friends and family. I tapped him on the shoulder, "Jesse, it's for you! It's for your birthday!" I think he finally got it when he saw his large birthday cake:)  He walked straight to his guitar, picked it up, and began playing with the band. The guests all just sat back, ate good food, and mingled while watching Jesse having the time of his life.  After he played, it was gift opening time. His gifts either consisted of Cardinals stuff or music stuff. He loved it all.  Scott and I bought him an Albert Pujols jersey.  We could hardly wait to give it to him because he is possibly Albert's biggest fan;) 
he knew it was a Cardinal's jersey right away
I know the party meant so much to Jesse. I was so glad we could have a party to celebrate another year with one of the most amazing people I know.  Jesse is such a wonderful brother. He is extrememly generous and tender-hearted. I am so thankful the Lord has blessed our family with someone who brings us more joy than we could ever have imagined:) Jesse, we love you!!!

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