Monday, November 30, 2009

Desire for God

The Creator of life, the Savior of the world, my loving Father, endless grace...what is not appealing about that? My alarm obnoxiously wakes me up at 7:30am and and my first thought is already processed, "ugh! I hate waking up!" I get ready for another day at work. I walk out of the door while my Bible is still sitting by my bedside unopened. It is a constant battle everyday between sleeping a little longer or making time to spend with God. Why would I choose more sleep over spending time with the One who "CHOSE me before the foundations of the world!?" Plain selfish. The days I do start my day off right by praying for others and reading the Word, I find myself more hungry for Biblical knowledge. If you grew up in a Christian family, you were probably told your whole life that you should have a "quiet time" everyday. When I got to the point of actually wanting to know my Savior more instead of trying to abide by what I was told to do, my relationship with Christ became intimate. I hate that at the age of 23 I am still inconsistent and undisciplined at times. As believers, we should want to know Christ more and we should have the desire to obey Him. I long for the day I get to see Him face to face, but until then, I want to live this life with a purpose out of obedience, desire and love.


  1. YOU ARE BLOGGING! WOOT! love you

  2. Janie,

    Thanks for your honesty. The ways in which I have seen you grow over the years is staggering! God is good.

    Good, encouraging and convicting words.

    Love you kiddo,
