Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Ugly Babies

For some reason, I have always been nervous that one day my baby will be so ugly. People say that when it is your baby, no matter what, you will not think that baby is ugly. I completely disagree. I think I will know if my baby is ugly, I will admit it, and I will pray that baby will not grow up to be hideous. Of course if my baby is ugly I will love that child regardless because God will have blessed me with a child, but I won't lie and say I think my baby is the most beautiful baby in the world. Babies are usually pretty ugly as newborns anyways, so there is still hope right after they are born. As they get a little older and they are still pretty ugly, that's when I would be nervous. Good thing I don't have to worry about that for a long time:)

Sumo baby? Actually kind of cute.

crazy looking baby!

scariest of all.


  1. oh my! Jane i don't think you could give birth to an ugly baby but we'll see! hahahaha.... that first one is SO weirdly cute! Just imagine him in a sumo wrestling match! hahahaha ok, can not WAIT to see you! Woot! love.

  2. Janie, You make me smile. You two will make BEAUTIFUL babies! :)

  3. Wow, Barbie. You are super shallow. What is your IQ?

  4. i look at those babies and all i see is beauty

  5. i see beauty in the SUMO BABY!!!!

  6. ^^^^^^ YOU KNOW YOU LYING

  7. yea, get real barbie..geeze..good looks really fucked you in the head if youre worried about YOUR baby being ugly.

  8. I'd rather have an ugly baby than be a shallow bitch
