Wednesday, January 12, 2011

i need discipline in my life.

When people ask me to pray for them, I tell them I will.  I usually pray for them right after they ask me to, because I know if I don't at that moment, I may forget.  I truly want to be more consistent with praying for others.  One of my New Year's resolutions was to "live this year devoted to growing as a child of God" as I had previously posted here. Part of being devoted to growing as a child of Christ is to have more discipline in my life. The main areas I want to be disciplined in are spending time in God's Word daily, praying more and working out/eating better. I decided I would started working in the morning before work.  One of my reasons for that is I know I will have enough time after working out to come home and spend some time with the Lord as well. After work I become a lazy bum.  So far, it's been better. An area I definitely don't have self-control in is my bad eating habits. Now, I love me some junk food.  Actually, I just love food in general. Last night I thought of a way I could help with my temptation from junk food. Every time I want to overeat or put an excessive amount of junk food into my mouth, I am going to try and overcome the temptation by praying for someone. My goal is to have a better prayer life after I learn to make a habit of this and be in better shape. I have a few large prayer requests lately and I really, really do not want to forget to pray about these situations, so I pray this will help my prayer life. Do you want to join me in this challenge?



  1. Jane,

    I am currently blogging about prayer. I hope that these posts might serve as a further encouragement to you.

    Love ya,

  2. You can also start writing them down. Grab a cute little journal and write them out. Then you can remebmer them and also see how God is working.
