Tuesday, June 14, 2011

the first time we hung out.

Today I was looking at some old pictures of Scotty and I. Our one year anniversary is on Sunday!! Oh my goodness, can you believe that!?!? Life just flies by when you are with your bestest friend EVA! I came across a picture from my junior year of college, his sophomore year of college. I was rooming with two of my amazing friends, Leann and Cindi. Supposedly, Scott started crushing on me his freshman year. I mean, what can I say? Joke. Well Cindi had hung out with a few people while Scott was around and mentioned one night while we were trying to fall asleep in our bunk beds, "you know who I think is really cute and that you would go well with?"
Oh great, here it goes again, another suggested guy for me to date. "Who?" I asked, completely uninterested.
"Scott Schneider."
"Hmmm...he's cute. Yeah, maybe."
Well, he somewhat began pursuing me, so one night I asked him to come to a Death Medicine concert (a friend's band) in St. Louis. I wasn't sure if he would come since he was a tad shy and probably felt uncomfortable going to a concert wtih 3 crazy "punk rock" girls he didn't really know. Well, he said yes. Adda boy Scotty! That was the first time we "hung out." I thought he was a lot of fun and we were super silly and weird with each other from day one. And now it's almost been one year of marriage!! Thank you Cindi and Leann, thank you Kate, Cristi and Jordan, thank you bunk bed talks, thank you Death Medicine concert, thank you Scott for crushing on me and pursuing me, thank you everyone else who affirmed us, thank you Jesus for THE perfect husband! There was one major thing that bugged me...call me shallow, but I hated his haircut. I thought it looked like a mushroom top...at least that was the first think that came to my mind. So our first official date, the summer going into my senior year, I told him he would look so good with a buzz! I'm a terrible person. He knows now I manipulated him, but he didn't divorce me. Whew. Man, he's one good looking man! How lucky I am.

Our first picture together proves how awkward we were...well, we still are. His hair wasn't as "mushroomy" in this pic. I have a Tinkerbell shirt on, crimped hair, a huge poof, and look ridiculous. He just looks young and cute. 3 1/2 years ago. Wuv him.

Friday, June 10, 2011

newphew E's first haircut.

E and Chrissy came in town last month, one more time before their baby girl, Lydia Grace, is born in September. One of the highlights of that weekend was when I got to spend some time with them at mom's shop, Salon Basia, giving E his very first haircut. He did awesome, especially after mom gave him a brush to distract him with!

He looks so handsome with his new haircut! Man, I miss that boy.