Tuesday, March 16, 2010

pros and cons of growing up...

There are so many great things about growing up, but there are a lot of lame things as well. I am excited to be somewhat grown up so I can get married this summer, I don't live with my parents anymore, I make my own decisions, I make real money as opposed to $100 paychecks, I am legal for most things besides renting a car (age 25), I get to start my own family soon and have my own house to decorate, I have learned how to cook, I get to use a credit card, we aren't forced to eat certain food (veggies), etc.

I think there may be more negatives to growing up. More responsibilities naturally come..boo!! We have to pay bills, clean our house, make sooooooo many decisions, work EVERYDAY, no spring break, no summers off (unless you're a teacher), no more using parents money, paying for the unexpected (car dies completely), etc.

If I had to choose to be 10 years old all my life or 23 all my life, I would definitely still want to be 23 even though there are so many more responsibilities. The best thing to me about growing up is being able to get married to the most wonderful and handsome man in the world and being with him for the rest of my life:) Thank you Jesus for marriage.

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