Thursday, August 26, 2010

big dreams. maybe someday...

So these past two days I have been itching for an adventure more than I think I ever have in my life. I don't really know what my deal is. I'm probably being discontent in life right now. It's hard to take an adventure when you live in a small town with the same few restaurants that close early and where there is just not much to do. We bought material to make curtains in our room, but I don't know how to sew. I have a sewing machine, but it doesn't work at the moment. My job is the same routine everyday and sometimes it gets old. But that is probably every job. I need to be thankful I have a job. I long to move somewhere awesome, like CO, where there are big, beautiful mountains and activities to do!

We need to find jobs there first. I would love to backpack around Europe someday before we begin having kids. How awesome would that be? When I went to Europe with the soccer team, I wished Scott was there experiencing all of the amazing site-seeing. I told him I wanted to begin saving for a trip to do this. Europe has such amazing architecture that you can't compare to the U.S. Check out the city of prague:

How beautiful is that. love it.
Another thing I think I am ready for is beauty school. I've always enjoyed doing peoples hair. Mom says I have an eye for it. We'll see. I would love going to work everyday, making people feel beautiful with a new do, wearing non-business casual clothes, and just be able to have some good conversations with my customers. It would be a flexible job too. Maybe someday when the time is right I will go to beauty school.

And then there have been plenty of times when I want to leave the U.S. and do missions work with Scott. I have always dreamed of doing missions alongside my husband. We both have talked about it, but a lot of work goes into planning that. It would just be so amazing to be directly involved in missions. Maybe we will go on a short term missions trip for a summer.

So many dreams.

I know God is in control. I know He has Scott and I in Greenville for a reason. I know He has a plan. Right now I will continue to dream, but try to be content and trust that God has better plans for my life than I do. If we stay in Greenville for awhile, I'll be just fine. We have good friends here and jobs...God is always faithful.

1 comment:

  1. Jane, i remember this feeling and still feel it about once a year very strongly. I believe this is God reminding us to be passionate... that life isn't just about "jobs" but that it is about bring Glory to God's Kingdom. It's hard to find purpose in something that seems mundane. I remember after leaving Greenville, i was excited to get out of there but then I really struggled with being in a "new" place. I couldn't believe how ungrateful i was for my time in Greenville. My heart still yearns for a small town where everybody knows you and your closest friends are just minutes away. Enjoy every minute you can while it lasts because you will miss it, trust me.
    Ok, i'm done. I love you. You and Scott are in the right place because you are willing to be where God wants you to be. God is so good.
