Friday, August 19, 2011

it's really happening!!

After a loooooonnnngggggg summer of prayer and patience (well patience at times), God has opened a door for us to move to good 'ol STL! We are moving next Friday! Oh my goodness, it seemed like it took forever to figure out where we were supposed to be and what God had for us, but now it's all happening so fast! We are so so so excited for our move for a lot of reasons: the biggest reason being we know this is where the Lord wants us right now. I will be an activities director at the Creve Couer Racquet Club. I can't wait to plan activities for kids and hang out with them all day:) Scott will be doing several different jobs at the club along with helping coach football at Westminster Christian Academy. I can't tell you how excited I am that he finally gets to coach and gain experience. We are praying something will lead to a teaching and coaching job for him. We love our new apartment too. God has taught us both so much this summer. Even though it was hard and seemed long, God had a plan all along and it's happening in His perfect timing. It has brought Scott and I closer together and closer to Christ. He is so good.


  1. How cool for you! I love how God gives us the desires of our hearts, even when we don't even know what I deepest desires are! Hope your transition is smooth... =)
    Kristina J.

  2. so exciting!!! I know God will continue to provide! Keep trusting! :) Love you guys!!!
