Thursday, December 17, 2009

Happy Birthday Dad!

Yesterday was my dad's 55th birthday. Whew, he is getting up there;) My dad grew up with 2 older brothers and 2 older sisters. His mom was a solid Christian lady. She passed away almost 7 years ago. She was the one that set a great Godly example for him. Dad didn't become a Christian until he was 20 years old. I kid you not, he began searching while sitting around with a bunch of friends who were passing around a joint. A jewish believer led him to Christ. My mom and dad married young and had five kids (4 older boys and a little They divorced when I was very young. Mom remarried shortly after. Dad remarried about 10 years later. My brothers and I switched off going to mom and dad's every other day and every other weekend until we were old enough to decide where we wanted to stay. We were blessed to be able to spend equal time with both parents. Before my dad remarried, he did an amazing job raising 5 kids in a solid Christian household. He took us to church with him every Sunday, led us in devotions, prayed with us, etc. The only thing he struggled with was cooking a good meal...lots of frozen and canned foods:) Besides that, I wouldn't have wanted it any other way. I loved spending time with my dad. He played hide-and-go-seek with us and the neighborhood kids, he played basketball with us in our backyard, he took us to Minnesota on vacation every summer to our lake house...we kept him young. As we got older, dad wasn't able to beat Josh and Jeremy in basketball anymore, we no longer had to be spanked with a long wooden ruler, and we were finally able to cook for ourselves. Dad remarried when I was 10 years old. Lynn already had 2 boys and a girl. That meant I now had 2 more brothers and finally a SISTER!! I was so excited. I was an awful flower girl in that wedding though. We no longer had dad to ourselves, but we were so happy dad found a wonderful woman of the Lord. Things changed drastically, but dad still maintained a Godly household with 3 extra kids. He has been my inspiration to have my own Godly household someday and my inspiration to live a life glorifying to Christ. I love him more than words can describe. Now he is 55 years old, but I pray the Lord will give him many more years to continue to instill Godly principals in my kids and my siblings kids. To my hero, my dad, thank you for loving me with Christ's love. Happy Birthday!

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