Monday, December 13, 2010

be content in ALL circumstances

Lately, I haven't been the most content person I should be.  According to God's Word, we are called to "be content in every circumstance."  Wow. That's extremely hard to abide by. I guess if it were easy, he wouldn't have to command it, huh. When I am on the phone catching up with a friend, the same questions usually are asked after not talking for awhile...Hows your job? Hows married life? How's Scott?...Sometimes if I am not really thinking about it, I usually just answer with the same thing: "Everything's great."  Not that I'm lying, but it may be that I haven't really thought about it deeply in awhile. Married life is usually great. Yeah, of course we have our hard times that we are working through, but overall, I absolutely love being married.  My answer for "how's Scott" is usually the same too: "he's good."  Now when it comes to my job, that answer changes.  For awhile I wasn't minding working in an office. Right now I am kind of over it.  I am feeling discontent. Not only with my  job, but with lots of other things that won't do me good to worry about.  So guess what church was about? Yes, being content. God always knows what we need to hear and exactly when we need to hear it. I have no reason at all to be discontent with my life. I am truly blessed.  We both have jobs that allow us to pay loans and have a little fun, we have a place to live, we have amazing families and we have wonderful friends. Sometimes I think if we had less and didn't expect more, we wouldn't be so discontent. I mean, Paul, who wrote the book of Philippians, was in JAIL while writing about being content in ALL circumstances. That means if Scott doesn't get a job anytime soon, we are to be content. That means if lil betty broke down, we are to be content. Thank you, Lord, that you have blessed us beyond our needs. Help me to be content.

our apt when we first moved in...not a whole lot there, but we were content and happy!!

1 comment:

  1. Janie,

    Very good words. I was just talking to the kids about how we need to be thankful we have a house in this cold weather. What if we lived in the pioneer days and had to spend our day huddled next to a fire, just to keep alive? Instead we have this nice house and a heating system and we don't even think twice! we don't need a bigger house or a newer one. It is enough that we have one, where we can stay warm!

    Indeed, we need to be content!

    Love you guys!
