Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Scott is turning 23!

his freshman year of college

graduating college: hilarious picture
and now an amazing husband
 Tomorrow, my handsome husband is turning the big 2-3. It's his Jordan birthday (Michael Jordan's #)....big deal.  I am so thankful the Lord has blessed me with such an amazing husband. I'm thankful he has blessed Scott with 23 years of a beautiful life.

Today I have been trying to plan his birthday (pictures to come).  I want to make it so special for him. Its his first birthday we get to celebrate together being married. So fun. It seems my plans for his birthdays in the past always fail:( Last year I had this great idea to go to Old St. Charles and eat dinner at this great restaurant and then ice skate outdoors. Well it was beyond freezing outside, and I didn't make reservations (dumb me). We ended up walking up and down the street for a long time looking for a restaurant to eat that wasn't a 2 hour wait. We finally found a cute little cafe that wasn't busy at all. It was fine, but not the greatest place I could've taken him. After we ate, we were both still cold and lost the desire to ice skate. Fail. I hope my plans this year work out. I'll keep you posted.

1 comment:

  1. aww yea!! Happy birthday Scott! Welcome to the wonderful age of 23 lol
