Tuesday, January 11, 2011

tired tuesday snuggie time.

Man, I am dragging this morning!  I began getting up at 6 a.m to get my workout in for the day, but not today! There was a stupid amount of snow on the ground. Lil' Betty would really struggle on the roads, so she couldn't take me to the Annex to burn some calories this morning. Instead, my alarm went off at 7, I laid in bed until 7:25ish, got in the shower while still sleeping, got out of the shower and went back to bed for another good 10 mins. Definitely late to work this morning. Woops. Today is a tired Tuesday, which means we should all be snuggling up on the couch while watching a good movie or a good show on Netflix. This is what Scott and I could've looked like today if we both had a snow day from work:
Snuggie time! Right there it looks like we are having a little face time by staring at one another, but if we were truly home having snuggie time, we would both be facing the t.v. Oh, I would still turn to look at him occasionally becuase he's a little sugar, of course. Anyways, happy Tuesday! I hope you are more awake than I am today.  If you do have a snow day, make sure to have snuggie time with your loved one.

P.S. I thought about submitting this picture to the Snuggie Company. Think they would make it as the new Snuggie packages? It shows when you are wearing a Snuggie, you are even MORE in love, right?

1 comment:

  1. I took a nap during lunch yesterday! It must be the snow...I'm jealous of your snuggie time! :)
